Understanding Your Ruling Planet: How It Shapes Your Personality and Destiny

We are sure that you are already familiar with the concept of zodiac signs. Zodiac signs have become closely integrated into our daily lives. Those who study astrology in more detail know that each of us, among other things, has a ruling planet. It plays an important role in our lives. In this article, we will tell you which planet rules each of the twelve zodiac signs and what influence it has on our lives.

What Is a Ruling Planet and Why Does It Matter?

Every person has a planet that patronizes them and directly affects their life and character. You can discover your planet through numerology or your zodiac sign. To find out your planet, you need to perform a numerological calculation. Add up all the numbers of your birth date and reduce them to a single digit. You should get four numbers:

  • day of birth;
  • month of birth;
  • year of birth;
  • sum of all numbers.
Number by calculation Planet
1 Sun
2 Moon
3 Mars
4 Mercury
5 Jupiter
6 Venus
7 Saturn
8 Uranus
9 Neptune and Pluto

«And what do I get from this?» you might ask. The point is that each planet endows a person with both advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can balance yourself, focus on your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses.

The Ruling Planets of the Zodiac Signs and Their Influence

You can also find out your ruling planet through your zodiac sign. Each sign has its own ruling planet or even two. They have a direct influence on the personality of a person born under a particular sign, their strengths and weaknesses.


Your ruling planet is Mars, whose energy is associated with passion, conflicts, competitive spirit, and dangers. You’re a superwoman, ready at any moment to start implementing impossible missions that others are even afraid to think about. Your whole life is an adventure.


You are a representative of a special sign because you have two ruling planets. First, Mars. This planet gives you, like Aries, enormous life force, passion, and energy. You’re not afraid of much, and competition only excites you.

Your other planet is Pluto, which is responsible for the beginning and end of life, regeneration, and endless cycles.

Taurus and Libra

What planet rules Taurus? You’ll be surprised, but this answer will also work for the question «what planet is Libra ruled by?» Both of these signs are governed by Venus, which is responsible for beauty, art, pleasure, emotions, love and romance, as well as the craving for luxury and exceptional creative abilities in representatives of these signs.

Gemini and Virgo

What planet rules Gemini? Despite the fact that uninhibited, annoying Geminis and buttoned-up perfectionist Virgos seem to be complete opposites of each other, their ruling planet is Mercury. As a result, both of these signs, ruled by Mercury, possess a thirst for travel, a craving for research, a love for news and gossip, eloquence, and a reactive, rather nervous temperament.


Cancer is ruled by the Moon, Earth’s only satellite, which influences the change of seasons, landscapes, natural cycles, and even (as some believe) emotions. And just as the Moon continuously moves, you too switch fairly easily between your emotions: from dark to light, from calm to anger and irritation.


What planet is Leo ruled by? You are ruled by the Sun, you enjoy its warmth and light, and naturally feel always at the very center of the entire Solar system. You command the attention of others and do it without much effort.


Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius. It bestows abundance, opportunities, and luck on its protégés. You are like a cat: you always land on your feet and stay clean even in the dirtiest situation.


What planet rules Pisces? You have two ruling planets that create a very curious dynamic. First, Jupiter (like Sagittarius), which endows you with positivity and natural flows of luck. But the second planet governing your sign is Neptune, mystical and magical, giving you highly developed intuition and a craving for deep immersion in yourself.


What sign does Saturn rule? Capricorn, of course! It embodies limitations, discipline, responsibility, and duty. God, that’s your portrait! Saturn makes you deeply rooted in reality; you don’t suffer from illusions about what life is.


What planet is Aquarius ruled by? Your sign is ruled by Uranus – the planet of destruction, everything non-standard, unexpected, the planet of innovations and changes. Some might say you’re a little eccentric – that’s how Uranus, proud, independent, determined, and assertive, affects you. You know yourself and know that you’re not like everyone else.

How to Work with Your Ruling Planet for Personal Growth

Knowing your patron planet, you can work on your shortcomings and develop your strengths. If everything in your life suits you, if you like everything, then you are a unique person who has reached the highest point of development. But if there are aspects that don’t satisfy you, then determining the ruling planet will help improve or change them.

Clearly define your goal and keep it in focus. This can be a visualization in the form of a «Treasure Map» or a regular reminder of your plans. When you are concentrated and clearly see your goal, you have a better chance of achieving it.

Ruling Planets in Astrology: Myths, Symbolism, and Deeper Meanings

Astrology has been linked to mythology since ancient times. For thousands of years, people around the world have been fascinated by the stars and have followed our two great luminaries, the Sun, symbolizing life force, and the Moon, symbols of emotions. While human existence has been an observation of the other planets of our solar system. Astrologers even include asteroids and fixed stars as some factors when drawing up personality charts and horoscopes.

What sign does Venus rule? This planet generally occupies two wards – Taurus and Libra, making them more harmonious and sensual. Mercury, the ruler of the planet Gemini, is associated with intellect and communication. What planet rules Sagittarius? Saturn, which gives discipline and lessons. Venus – the ruling planet of Taurus – the goddess of love, is responsible for harmony, sensuality and beauty. These planets influence not only the signs, but also the destiny of a person, especially if they are the rulers of his ascendant.


Can my ruling planet change based on my birth chart?

Yes! We’ve outlined how to correctly calculate your planet relative to your birth date using numerology in this article.

What happens during my ruling planet’s retrograde?

During such days, you may experience a deeper influence of your planet and its negative aspects. Retrograde creates a period of reflection, delays, and internal processing, often making you reevaluate areas of life governed by your ruling planet.

How does my ruling planet affect my relationships?

The ruling planet plays an important role in shaping you as a personality, your communication abilities, and depth of emotions. It governs your basic energy, which naturally extends to romantic, platonic, and professional interactions.

What is the connection between ruling planets and career paths?

In terms of career, everything is individual for each person; however, the ruling planet has an influence on the presence of leadership qualities and natural talents, which is of great importance in the theme of work.